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Témoignages clients

Invité à différents mariages cet été, j’avais besoin de conseils pour faire les bons choix. Après avoir expliqué mes attentes, Alicia a élaboré pour moi un parcours sur-mesure. D’un naturel plutôt sûr de moi et de mes goûts, elle a su toutefois m’amener vers des styles que je n’aurai pas osé forcément essayer. Cette expérience est passée à toute vitesse et le résultat est là ! Merci Alicia !

Eloi, Bordeaux

Eloi, Bordeaux

May, 2023

I echo everything every good review has said about Alicia. She is an expert who taught me how to see clothes and my body, differently—how to bring out my beauty instead of focus on my (perceived) flaws—and the tricks and secrets to dressing with flair. She chose clothes that I never would have tried on my own, and several of them worked beautifully. She expanded my fashion world and changed it from a place where I used to feel awkward and lost to a place where I belong and can now navigate on my own. I told Alicia that she is a fashion therapist because our fun shopping spree transformed me. As a result, I have new fashion skills and confidence—and new clothes!

Martia, Californie

Martia, Californie

March, 2023

Je recommande Alicia pour ses compétences ! J’ai passé un excellent moment personnalisé et sincère. Alicia, je suis sincèrement touché par ta disponibilité, ton accompagnement et tes francs conseils. A très bientôt !

Fabien, Bordeaux

Fabien, Bordeaux

February, 2023

Alors que l’on croit se connaître et connaître nos goûts, Alicia a su me donner de précieux conseils pour adapter mon dressing à ma vie quotidienne tout en me montrant que certaines pièces que l’on imagine bien sur d’autres personnes peuvent très bien nous aller. Des connaissances pointues en mode, en tissus et en style qui sont parfaitement adaptées avec un avis franc sur ce qui nous va ou pas. Une chouette expérience et un moment agréable !

Virginie, Bordeaux

Virginie, Bordeaux

January, 2023

Super moment ! Alicia est de très bon conseils avec un franc parler très appréciable en matière de mode. Je suis ravi de tous les achats réalisés lors de notre virée shopping. Je recommande vivement les services d’Alicia Keane !

Maxime, Bordeaux

Maxime, Bordeaux

January, 2023

Merci, merci, merci ! Quelle aide précieuse Alicia m’a apportée ! Comme beaucoup, je succombe à l’envie de nouveaux vêtements pour des raisons de mode, de couleurs, de taille qui change mais bien sûr, je garde les anciens, « pour le cas où… je le remettrai un jour, parce que je l’aime bien, parce que j’y ai mis le prix quand je l’ai acheté, parce qu’on me l’a offert, parce que lorsque je l’ai acheté ça m’allait bien, parce que j’ai pensé que je pourrais le mettre avec telle autre pièce que j’ai déjà. Et puis le temps passe, j’entasse et je ne remets pas tout. Et surtout, je n’arrive pas à me séparer de vêtements qui m’allaient si bien… il y a quelques années. Sans doute l’effet nostalgie joue-t-il son rôle. Donc Alicia vient à domicile et en quelques heures, elle m’aide à trier et ne garder que ce qui me va réellement, les pièces indispensables. Quel plaisir de voir des placards bien rangés après son passage ! Et sans un œil extérieur et avisé, je ne me serai jamais lancée dans cette opération de nettoyage. Son expertise m’est plus qu’utile.
Il me tarde déjà de l’étape suivante : une virée shopping pour découvrir des adresses pépites qui me permettront de renouveler ma garde-robe à partir des notes que Alicia a prises lors du 1er rendez-vous.
N’hésitez pas à la solliciter, elle est d’excellent conseil !

Nicole, Talence

Nicole, Talence

January, 2023

Super moment ! Alicia est de très bon conseils avec un franc parler très appréciable en matière de mode. Je suis ravi de tous les achats réalisés lors de notre virée shopping. Je recommande vivement les services d’Alicia Keane.

Maxime, Mérignac

Maxime, Mérignac

February, 2023

Alicia was outstanding and far exceeded my expectations. She totally personalizes the experience by getting your preferences in advance and tailoring a shopping experience specific to you In unique, local, Bordeaux stores. From clothes to accessories to hand bags to whatever your need is, she goes above and beyond and even helps negotiate the best price for you within your budget. She always made me feel very comfortable and has a true Eye for fashion and was able to put my outfits together in a way that fit my style. After walking around Bordeaux on my own for 4+ hours trying to find unique clothes, I cannot tell you how much I appreciated Alicia‘s knowledge and expertise of the area to quickly create a wonderful experience. She even help me out with local restaurant recommendations :-). Alicia has a true passion for what she does and I would highly recommend this experience! Mia from Arizona.

Mia, Arizona

Mia, Arizona

September, 2023

Alicia was great, she showed us unique shops that were off the beaten path, she pulled clothes for us to try on that we wouldn’t have normally picked ourselves. It was a fun experiance and we were able to bring back a few great pieces that you would only get in France! Only wished it were longer.

Amy, Washington

Amy, Washington

August, 2023

Alicia was extraordinarily helpful and made the shopping experience easy and comfortable. I don’t pay much attention to fashion, but I knew I needed an upgrade. Alicia helped me find pieces flattering for my figure and gave me ideas for what to look for when I buy new clothes in the future. Usually I am overwhelmed when buying clothes and don’t know how to best piece outfits together, so I was very happy when I left with an outfit. The next day I went back to some of the stores we had shopped at to buy other outfits she had helped me pick out.

Danielle, Tennessee

Danielle, Tennessee

September 2019

Alicia was GREAT is the sweetest person! One of the best things about her was that she was direct about our fashion needs but she was not too harsh. That is not an easy thing to do. She was very knowledgable and knew how to dress both my friend (who is tall and thin) and me (average!). She explained what to wear to flatter our bodies. I will be calling her again to help with my fashion choices. It is very important that you get her the information she asks for. She sends out a questionnaire and requests photos. Doing that helped my experience and helped her know what to look for.

Rachel & Paige, San Diego

Rachel & Paige, San Diego

August, 2019

Difficile d’être plus charmante et compétente qu’Alicia. Le seul problème j’aurais voulu que ça dure plus longtemps et ce, même si Alicia a prolongé gentiment notre expérience. Bref, mon conjoint et moi avons été vraiment ravis de ces beaux moments passés en sa compagnie. Nous recommandons sans réserve cette expérience avec Alicia à tous ceux et celles qui s’intéressent à la mode ou on envie de conseils vestimentaires.

Céline & Charles, Quebec

Céline & Charles, Quebec

September 2019

Alicia wanted to get my shopping list in advance, so she could help me obtain all the items on my list. She pointed out important landmarks of Bordeaux as we walked around this beautiful city. It is a great idea to do your gift buying with her, as you can accomplish so much and know that you are getting quality, while having a lot of fun. Alicia is simply terrific!

Leslie, Seattle

Leslie, Seattle

May 2019

I enjoyed my morning with Alicia. We hit a lot of stores and I would never have found them on my own.

Kristin, NYC

Kristin, NYC

May 2019

If you want your stay in Bordeaux to be special, book the shopping experience with Alicia! She knows the best city addresses ranging from most luxury to more popular and trendy local designer shops. She makes you feel welcome and gives you different tips not only about shopping but as well about local gastronomic treats and places to visit. I went to Bordeaux with my husband and 2 small kids and thanks to Alicia I had a feeling of loveliest shopping afternoon with good, old friend.

Dinnia, Luxembourg

Dinnia, Luxembourg

April 2019

I booked this for my girlfriend and she had a great time shopping with Alicia and learning about French fashion.

Ryan, NYC

Ryan, NYC

April 2019

J’avais envie de nouveauté, un peu d’idées à oser et des quartiers à découvrir. Alicia m’a guidé avec savoir faire, sympathie et confiance à travers les boutiques indépendantes de son cru en fonction de mes goûts et envies. C’était canon. Des avis francs, des conseils adéquats, des boutiques en tous genres et à chaque vitrine un excellent contact avec les vendeurs qui s’est fait naturellement. Je recommande carrément. A great time. New feeling wearing new colors, clothes, hats. The time spent was very appreciated. I was the center of the attention which was intimidating at the beginning and so comfortable at the end. Thank you Alicia

Thomas, Paris

Thomas, Paris

January 2019

Alicia was fantastic. Not only was she knowledgeable about where to go, but she also knew where to get good deals. We went to high end shops and hidden boutiques alike, where she helped me find presents to bring back home. She was a great conversationalist the entire way and I’m glad she was able to grant me the time.

Lucas, NYC

Lucas, NYC

December 2018

The shopping experience was great…. I received some fashion ideas from Alicia however the real benefit was that she had me trying on styles and colors I would never have otherwise experienced and I am delighted to have a new perception about what works for me. Joan

Joan, Wanaka, Nouvelle-Zelande

Joan, Wanaka, Nouvelle-Zelande

October 2018

Alicia est une jeune femme dynamique passionnée par son métier. Elle nous fait découvrir des endroits non touristiques et de jolies boutiques. Elle est de très bons conseils et cherche pour nous ce qui nous convient le mieux. Je la recommande vivement!

Gisèle, Genelier, Suisse

Gisèle, Genelier, Suisse

October 2018

I loved every minute of my time with Alicia the fashionista. For starters, she sends you a questionaire so no time is wasted deciding where to go. We met at an amazing shoe store and she delivered a bonus at the beginning, asking if I wanted to speak French or English. So we started in French and switched as needed. Strolling, discussing color and trying on clothes with no obligation was totally stress- free. I got a jacket and blouse in colors I never would have chosen and love them. If you are ready for a fun, imaginative and confident clothing guru, Alicia s for you.

Sasa, Benicia, Californie

Sasa, Benicia, Californie

October 2018

Alicia offre un bel aperçu des boutiques qui ne sont pas nécessairement sur le « circuit-shopping » décrit dans les guides, c’est tout l’intérêt de cette expérience. Moi-même shoppeuse, j’ai apprécié qu’elle me fasse découvrir des enseignes et marques que je ne trouve pas en Belgique. Le lendemain, j’ai « revisité » certains magasins en prenant tout mon temps. Celles ou ceux qui aiment le coaching-shopping apprécieront!

Nadine, Liège, Belgique

Nadine, Liège, Belgique

September 2018

Myself and my mum had a wonderful time with Alicia on one of our last days in Bordeaux. Neither of us had done anything like this before and thought it would be fun. Alicia is so nice, charismatic and very stylish but, most importantly, passionate about style and finding the right fit and colour for us. We felt very special having clothes already laid out and chosen for us and having special treatment with changes rooms and coffee from the lovely independent boutiques and shops! Not only did we both come away with lots of lovely items, but we also picked up loads of tips on how to shop in a more considered and effective way to suit our shape, complexion and wardrobes. I would highly recommend Alicia’s shopping experience whether you’re a fashion novice or fashion fiend. We were both on a high afterwards and went for a nice glass of Crémant in the Maison du Vin afterwards to celebrate (also recommended!).

Hailey, Dublin

Hailey, Dublin

September 2018

I bought this as a gift for my wife on our trip to Bordeaux, and she loved it! Here is her review: “Delightful Fashionista experience! Whenever I visit Europe, especially chic France, I often want to browse stores for unique clothing to add to my wardrobe as a memento. However, language and European sizes often throw me for a loop! This is where finding Alicia on Air BNB Experiences saved the day! I easily scheduled a meeting time and day that worked for me. After a brief online interview about my shopping preferences we were off to a really fun, easy and economical shopping experience. Also, if you’re shopping during SOLDES – Alicia will help you find great deals at very chic boutiques. She is so easy to work with and gets your style quickly. In two hours I walked away with more than I had even imagined! Plus Bordeaux is a great city to shop in – far easier than Paris. You will not be disappointed – a once in a lifetime experience with a fun, delightful fashionista. By the way – she works for you – not the stores. You’re in for a special treat – so treat yourself!”

Brian, Mill Valley, Californie

Brian, Mill Valley, Californie

July 2018

I ordered this shopping experience for my wife and here is her own comment: Alicia is a very positive sunny person and she really helped me a lot. Since she’s a clothes designer herself she know how to underline your advantages. She helped me to try the dress I would never pay attention to, but surprisingly it fits perfect and let’s me feel far more feminine and charming what I missed a lot in my hectic everyday life. Apart from bringing me to the shops I would never find myself Alicia shared recommendations regarding the color of my clothes, clothing style etc. I’m happy with my experience with Alicia and would highly recommend her.“. Many thanks to Alicia for a lot of fun and support during shopping from me, I am glad to see my wife being happy 😉

Sergei, Moscou

Sergei, Moscou

July 2018

C’était un cadeau pour ma chérie et elle a adoré.

Loïc, Cairns, Australie

Loïc, Cairns, Australie

July 2018

Not only is Alicia charming and enthusiastic but her knowledge is fantastic. We’d asked her to show us boutiques etc which were independent, unique and original and she certainly delivered. So we got exactly what we wanted, a quick guide to the city’s style gems, which we would never have found on our own, coupled with lots of laughs and intelligent conversation. This was a really, really great thing to do. Thank you so much Alicia and we wish you all the very best for the future.

Matthew, Jersey

Matthew, Jersey

June 2018

Invité à différents mariages cet été, j’avais besoin de conseil pour faire les bons choix. Après avoir expliqué mes attentes, Alicia a élaboré pour moi un parcours sur-mesure. D’un naturel plutôt sûr de moi et de mes goûts, elle a su toutefois m’amener vers des styles que je n’aurai pas osé forcément essayé. Cette expérience est passée à toute vitesse et le résultat est là !

Eloi, Bordeaux

Eloi, Bordeaux

June 2018

I really enjoyed meeting and spending time with Alicia. She was really helpful in her choice of stores and fashion advice. She listened to what i was looking for and was full of excellent advice. I purchased 2 garments that are great. Wonderful trip and a passionate fashion expert. Highly recommended.

Janelle, Noosaville, Australie

Janelle, Noosaville, Australie

May 2018

Au top ! Alicia est très à l’écoute et sait répondre aux besoins du client. Ponctuelle et dynamique, je recommande vivement !

Alexandre, Bordeaux

Alexandre, Bordeaux

April 2018

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